
What maintenance should be done for the injection mold in the ordinary and use process

Maintenance of mold before production: clean up the oil stain and rust on the surface of the mold, and check whether there are foreign matters in the cooling water hole of the mold and whether the water path is blocked.

1. Maintenance of mould before production

(1) Clean up the oil stain and rust on the surface of the mold, and check whether there are foreign matters in the cooling water hole of the mold and whether the water path is blocked.

(2) It is necessary to check whether the circular arc in the die rubber sleeve is damaged and whether there are residual foreign matters Whether the moving parts are abnormal and whether the action is smooth.

(3) The processing enterprise shall first equip each mold with a resume card to record and count its use, care (lubrication, cleaning, rust prevention) and damage in detail. Based on this, it can find out which parts and components have been damaged and the degree of wear, so as to provide information on finding and solving problems, as well as the molding process parameters of the mold and the materials used in the product, so as to shorten the test run time of the mold and improve the production efficiency.

2. Maintenance of molds in production

(1) Check all guide posts and guide sleeves of the die every day for damage, including die guide posts The parts such as row position shall be lubricated and maintained regularly, and the maintenance shall be carried out twice a day on and off duty.

(2) Clean the foreign matter, rubber wire, foreign matter, oil, etc. on the parting surface and exhaust slot of the die, check whether the ejector pin of the die is abnormal, and oil regularly The parting surface and runner surface shall be cleaned twice a day. The oil supply of guide tip, bushing and position determining tip shall be once a day.

(3) Regularly check whether the water channel of the mold is unblocked, and fasten all fastening screws.

(4) Check whether the limit switch of the die is abnormal and the inclined pin Whether the inclined roof is abnormal.

3. Focus on tracking and testing several important parts of the mold: the function of ejector and guide parts is to ensure the opening and closing movement of the mold and the ejection of plastic parts. If any part is stuck due to damage, it will lead to shutdown. Therefore, the lubrication of the ejector pin and guide post of the mold should be maintained frequently (the most suitable lubricant should be selected), and the ejector pin and guide post should be checked regularly for deformation and surface damage;

Once found, it shall be replaced in time; After a production cycle is completed, professional antirust oil shall be applied to the working surface, motion and guide parts of the die, especially the protection of the elastic strength of the bearing parts of the die with gear and rack and the spring die, so as to ensure that it is always in the best working state;

With the continuous production time, scale, rust, sludge and algae are easy to deposit in the cooling channel, which reduces the cross section of the cooling channel and narrows the cooling channel, greatly reduces the heat exchange rate between the coolant and the mold and increases the production cost of the enterprise. Therefore, attention should be paid to the cleaning of the channel;

4. Maintenance of shutdown die

Before shutdown, the cooling water circuit must be closed first, the residual water in the water circuit in the mold must be blown out, and the surface of the mold must be checked for residual rubber wires, foreign matters, etc. after it is cleaned, the antirust agent shall be sprayed evenly, and the relevant records shall be filled in accurately. After the mold completes the production task, take different methods to carefully remove the residual injection molding according to different injection molding. The residual injection molding and other deposits in the mold can be removed with copper rod, copper wire and professional mold cleaning agent, and then air dried.

It is forbidden to clean hard objects such as iron wire and steel bar to avoid scratching the surface. If there are rust spots caused by corrosive injection molding, use a grinder to grind and polish, spray professional antirust oil, and then store the mold in a dry, cool and dust-free place.